Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the presumed pseudonymous person or persons who developed Bitcoin, authored the Bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed Bitcoin's original reference implementation. Disappeared shortly after publishing the code. Been ghosting us since 2009.
American software developer and cryptographic activist who received the first Bitcoin transaction from Satoshi Nakamoto. He also worked on anonymous remailers and reusable proof-of-work systems.
Founder of, a media company focused on Bitcoin, Beauty, and Freedom in the Digital Age. Co-host of Rabbit Hole Recap (RHR) podcast.Managing Partner at Ten31. Director at Cathedra Bitcoin.
Stephan Livera hosts one of Bitcoin’s leading podcasts (Stephan Livera Podcast), focused on the economics and technology of Bitcoin. He contributes for various Bitcoin and Liberty outlets and publications, such as Swan Bitcoin, Bitcoin Magazine, Mises Institute.
Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a best-selling author, speaker, educator, and highly sought after expert in Bitcoin and open blockchain technologies. He is known for making complex subjects easy to understand and highlighting both the positive and negative impacts these technologies can have on our global societies.
I am the co-founder of Ministry of Nodes, providing educational content on how to transition to a Bitcoin standard. I focus on learning and teaching about hardware and software that allows the individual to:
NVK is the founder of Coinkite which make many of the devices Bitcoiners love, like COLDCARD, BLOCKCLOCK, OPENDIME. He is also having fun with the Bitcoin.Review podcast and ham radios.
Craig Raw founder and developer of Sparrow a Bitcoin desktop wallet with a focus on multi-signatures for distributed self-custody and privacy. In 2020 he started Sparrow out of the desire to build something with and for Bitcoin which can fill the gaps he saw within the existing wallets.
Jeff Booth is a visionary leader, technology entrepreneur and best-selling author of "The Price of Tomorrow – Why Deflation is Key to an Abundant Future". With his expertise in technology, system thinking and design, he is at the forefront of a transition from an economic system built for the past, and one built for the future.
Peter Van Valkenburgh is the Director of Research at Coin Center, a leading research group focused on cryptocurrency technologies. Peter also gave one of the best explanations of Bitcoin ever recorded. Check it out on our "What is Bitcoin?" page.
Hi, I'm Gigi.
I'm a bitcoiner and software engineer, writing words and code for Bitcoin. My first book, 21 Lessons, is one of the most recommended books among bitcoiners. I launched various projects in the bitcoin space. My main focus is on privacy, security, free software, and education.
Burn The Bridge focuses on bringing you articles about interacting with Bitcoin. The emphasis is on self custody, censorship resistance, mining at home, CoinJoins, and privacy. Overreaching government regulations coupled with invasive chain-analysis have threatened the permission-less state of Bitcoin as well as the rights & privacy of those who use it.
Saifedean Ammous is an internationally best-selling economist and author. In 2018, Ammous authored The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking, the best-selling book on bitcoin, published in 37 languages. In 2021, he published The Fiat Standard: The Debt Slavery Alternative to Human Civilization.
Ben has been educating people in the realm of using and securing Bitcoin since 2016. His YouTube channel has amassed over 10.5 million views, and in between making tutorials, Ben regularly travels the globe speaking at conferences, running workshops, and educating political dissidents on how to use BTC as a tool for human rights.
Contributor to Wasabi Wallet & CEO of zkSNACKs. Max contributes to numerous open-source projects, including Wasabi Wallet, Bitcoin Core, BTCPay Server, JoinMarket, LND, and BISQ. His focus is to establish a second realm with a sound monetary economy, empowering sovereign individuals to engage in entrepreneurial pursuits.